The national conference “Grain Forum 2024,” organized by the Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce, was held in Tallinn, Estonia, on November 19, 2024. The event covered current trends in the grain sector, technological innovations, and market prospects. Discussions also addressed topics such as the legal regulation of carbon farming in contracts with producers at both national and European levels, food safety in Estonia and globally, and other relevant issues. Approximately 60 sector representatives, including experts from Estonian ministries, research organizations, and business enterprises, attended the conference.
The National Payment Agency (NPA) of Lithuania, along with EU Copa-Cogeca, was invited to participate as a guest. Claude Soude, Vice-Chairman of the Oilseeds Working Group at Copa-Cogeca, spoke about the EU regulatory burden and strategies to manage it. Martynas Rimgaila, Adviser to the Direct Support Unit of the NPA’s Control Department, delivered a presentation titled “Inspection Mechanisms and Remote Monitoring.” In his presentation, he highlighted the NPA’s latest initiatives and solutions designed to enhance control and supervision within the grain sector.
Additionally, Mr. Rimgaila introduced the audience to the ongoing international projects involving the NPA, including the EU LIFE programme-funded GFarm for LIFE project. This initiative aims to support national and EU climate change mitigation goals by fostering systemic changes in Lithuania’s agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU) sector. The project focuses on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and promoting carbon storage farming initiatives.
As part of GFarm for LIFE, common technological infrastructure and digital tools for monitoring GHG balances and soil organic carbon storage are being developed, tested, and implemented. The project brings together key stakeholders from science, business, public, and state sectors to create an ecosystem model for accurate and reliable GHG assessment. Additionally, it aims to design a framework for national carbon absorption certification and monitoring.