The Panta Rhei Conference is a biannual event where representatives of EU CAP paying agencies share experiences, exchange best practices, and discuss emerging challenges related to computerization, digitalization, organizational issues, and the technical implementation of measures under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The conference is held twice a year, in spring and autumn.

During the Panta Rhei Conference in Antwerp, Belgium, from 22–24 May 2024, the importance of innovative tools was emphasized in the presentation “What’s Next After AMS?” delivered by an NPA representative. The NPA actively promotes digitalization and automation in agricultural practices, with a strategic focus on addressing the specific needs of rural areas.

The NPA presentation also highlighted the implementation of international projects funded under various programs, including the EU LIFE programme-funded GFarm for LIFE project. This initiative aims to support national and EU climate change mitigation goals by enabling systemic changes in Lithuania’s agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU) sector. The project focuses on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and fostering carbon storage farming initiatives.

As part of GFarm for LIFE, common technological infrastructure and digital tools for monitoring GHG balances and soil organic carbon storage are being developed, tested, and implemented. The project unites key stakeholders from science, business, public, and state sectors to create an ecosystem model for more accurate and reliable GHG assessment. Additionally, it seeks to design a framework for national carbon absorption certification and monitoring.

The adoption of innovative solutions presented at the conference aims to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of farmers’ operations, reduce GHG emissions, and contribute to the environmental protection goals outlined in the EU Green Deal, EU Climate Action, and other strategic EU documents. The presentation received positive feedback from the audience, highlighting its relevance and practical implications.